Let me start by saying I hate Picasso. He was a bully, a woman-hater, a bad husband and father, and jerk by what I can tell. But, he did some things right.
I like his early work, and once in a while, you can find a quote like this one that is worthwhile to hold on to.
My work is usually full of great chroma and contrast. But I am just coming out of a rough time when not only did I not hook very much, but color did not appeal to me. I even found myself dressing differently. I live in the South and there is color everywhere, except my closet. Lots of beige, black, and gray.
Things are looking up now but I still see less color in my work. The pieces seem fine, but not what I did before. Not what I think I really am. I am dyeing with Cushing dyes instead of ProChem. I guess I still have some healing to do. But my features - my smile - is coming back. And soon will the brights and lights. Enough of the darks and dulls.
Don't worry, Be Happy-